The Onii-chan referred to here is Takanashi Shuusuke, who we assume to be a junior in high school. Being your average male teenager – and considering his double-edged personality – Shuusuke often finds himself carnally attracted by his younger sister Nao. To complicate matters, Nao also has hidden desires for Shuusuke, and while he thinks she’s innocent and pure, in truth she’s forever hatching plots to push her brother to commit incestuous acts with her. The ebb and flow of their not-so-filial-relationship develops a tsunami-like impact when Shuusuke eventually finds out that Nao is adopted. Despite this, he vows to treat her as he would his nonexistent biological sister – no menial task given the lengths Nao scales just to get him to see her as more than just that.
I got into watching this highly entertaining – albeit unabashedly perverse – anime because of GotWoot Subs. They did the best subbing work on Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, which I actually followed just for the heck of watching something that deals with the paranormal, and I’ve been downloading some of their releases since. [They’re really good, although they take on shows ‘no one else does’.] Because I never planned to watch OnK – it was never in my ‘to watch’ list on MAL, and I never scoured DVD encampments for it – it doesn’t fit my type. Strangely though, I followed it until the end, and honestly, it’s good. Brainlessly, wantonly comical, but that doesn’t make it any less of a laughtrip.
There honestly isn’t much of the character aspect here though. In fact, we hardly ever know what these kids busy themselves with aside from collecting porno mags and looking up girls’ miniskirts. Not to mention, two of Nao’s friends and some other girls who show up in the latter episodes are given very little airtime – in truth, their on-off presence does nothing to push the plot forward, whatsoever. But I do appreciate Shuusuke, and I really like his friends, the AGE Explorers. I love how their relationship’s so warm even though they’re bonded by something as crazy as a love for all things pornographic. They remind me that friendship is found under the most absurd circumstances, that friends are bound by the weirdest reasons. I guess that’s why I love those boys.
The art’s good – or maybe that’s because I torrented everything, and I’m just shocked by the transition from pirated DVD grain to massively multi-pixeled clarity. The colors are rich, and well-blended, and just right for an anime of this kind – not too shounen, but not too adult either. Still, it’s the music I love best about OnK, really. I love both the OP and the ED, and even the BGM is super kulit, like something you’d expect out of a Doraemon episode. I particularly love these lines from the chorus of the OP:
I want to cross that line | I just have to know how paradise tastes |
Maybe it’s sweet, or maybe it’s not | Either way, it’s a fabulous world |
That should give you an idea of what to expect from this show. I guarantee you’ll ask yourself multiple times why you’re watching this show, but I also assure you that once you reach the last episode – which is completely off the anime timeline and just plain inconsistent with the rest of the series, but never mind – you’ll realize all the censored panty flashes and major WTH moments were worth it.
Recommended for: open-minded people looking for a lung-deep laughtrip
Recommended Subbing Team: GotWoot Fansubs []
Episodes: 12 (2011)

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