Found some talented writers, namely:
Amaranth Adanae is one of the best writers I've read in ffnet. I think it's partly because she's got a background in writing (if I'm not mistaken, she's an English teacher) but her critical observations tell me it's not just that. I've read most of her NaruxMai fics, and I'm happy someone as talented as her is a NaruxMai shipper like me - that way I can leech off her work. Rules of Engagement you must definitely read.
Azamiko, whose candid wit amuses me greatly. I love her collection of shorts called Spirited, particularly the last two chapters and the crossover featured in the Part-Time Workers United arc.
Calkat writes solely on Ghost Hunt so it's something like her specialty. I like her Seasons, and I'm still getting ready to read her one-shots.
curatorangelus, whose Vesta's Bonds archive I'm skimming as of the moment. I'm still reading 1oI: Goddess, and so far it's really good. Lots of paranormal information in it, which means that the author probably researched heavily or she's really into the occult.
ravyncat, whose Echoes scared me in a "woe-if-that-happened-to-me" way. I wish she'd update soon, but oh, well. I guess she has RL business to take care of.
Some fics you must definitely read (most, if not all, are NaruxMai):
Years by Azamiko
Actually LinxMasako but it's set against the event of Mai and Naru's wedding, so what the hell. I like the fact that's it's not just NaruxMai. Moreover, I love how it features two of arguably the most "unlikeable" characters Ghost Hunt, giving them their own chance to shine with their self-reflection moments that are actually quite interesting.
Echoes by ravyncat
Shame this isn't Complete. I love the opening though, with Mai and the clown - in fact, I think the demon being in clown form makes it even more creepy, which is probably with the author devised that clever disguise. It frustrates me that this story hasn't been updated in years (literally) because I have a feeling the story hasn't actually started yet.
Love Spell by Azamiko
Interesting one-shot borne from an interesting premise. I love how the characters don't go OOC, or at least too OOC, and for a one-shot, it's actually action packed and generally fulfilling.
Meeting the Parents by Azamiko
Has been left hanging at a very awkward stage. On one hand, it seems as if it's Complete judging by the update date and the way the last chapter ended. On the other hand, it's not classified as Complete yet. Either way, I wish I could read more about it. Like Echoes it hasn't started yet.
MESSAGE DELETED by -X-.Giggles.-X-
Very short, very cheesy, abundant in errors, but still a very satisfying read. The type that makes your insides turn to mush - or whatever the term is.
Rules of Engagement by Amaranth Adanae
Indubitably one of the sharpest commentaries available in ffnet; the upside is it's complete. One page into this fic and I extracted two quotables for my words collection. I swear, this thing is epic. Might not appeal if you're a staunch NaruxMai hater though.
Seasons by Calkat
I didn't like the ending, but it's very well written. Also, I thought Mai was a bit OOC; I just can't imagine her being a flirt. Naru was adorable - or maybe I'm just biased. Written in two parts, with chronology that baffled me mainly because I wasn't paying attention.
All this reading's giving me a headache.