Sunday, May 9, 2010

I wish I had an Arima

The girl is Miyazawa Yukino, who tricks her classmates and teachers into thinking she's THE perfect student. The guy's her boyfriend Arima Souichirou, who IS the perfect student - although he's not exactly a sane person. Their story is chronicled in the manga series His and Her Circumstances, which I'm hooked to at the moment. I've never had the patience to read manga scans online - because I reeeally hate having to click all the way to the bottom of the page, and then the next - but for this particular story, I don't really mind all the clicking. It's THAT good. Now, I'll go read.


Tea said...

I'll let you in on a little secret. When I was watching that anime, I thought how it was similar to my situation.haha It's with the same guy I liked (or at least I thought U liked) way back in high school.

The anime was good, but somehow in the middle the change in style didn't suit my taste.

sandybeaple said...

malanding bata! eto ba yung sa science camp thing???

Tea said...

Nooo, iba pa yun. Besides di ko naman bet yung boylet na yun.wahaha