Monday, July 16, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Being unabashedly Filipino, I never really did understand what Spring Cleaning was about. But here I am, attempting to rehash the blog I've been keeping for almost three years because I realized I have to present a certain image to the public. Or at the least, I can't afford to put my private life up on display.

So I've resolved to talk about more interesting things, more normal things, like architecture, and photography, and what the President has finally decided to do with his senatorial lineup for the upcoming elections. Still, I can't seem to erase all those blog entries I've relegated to the 'drafts folder', that singular corner of this, my personal section in the virtual world, for no reason other than sentimentality.

Does that make me weak, or foolish? But it matters not, I suppose. I have been deemed weak and foolish far too many times for the words to sting well.

Chos. A toast to my Spring Cleaning.


Tomate und Käse said...

maybe you need another blog where you can talk about 'more interesting' things and keep this for yourself? :)

that's why I don't use my name on my current blog. When I finally get down to having a more serious blog, like the one you mentioned, that's when I'd use my real name.