Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why I Hate Flying

It's raining tonight. It's pouring on epic proportions. Roomie L is watching A Beautiful Mind (2001) for what she claims is not the first time, and I am procrastinating on a Project Proposal for Operation Extroversion. I have just confirmed that my mother's plane has made touchdown with Philippine soil an hour ++ ago. I can sleep well now.

Except, yeah. The Project Proposal I am in the midst of procrastinating.

It's because of heavy weather such as this, the type that makes house lights on ground zero flicker in agitation, that I hate flying. When I was younger, and I actually had anyone deemed worthy of being the youthful love interest of my juvenile drama, I liked cloud watching. The two of us would sit on the second-floor balcony of the house, then in the middle of renovation, and argue whether that cloud over there was a whale or a clown. But then, of course, the issue of the neighbors being able to see us from their windows across the street made the whole cloud-gazing hobby stop.

I have long since come to hate clouds. One of the many perspectives that change, as one grows more jaded.


Anonymous said...

For a moment, I thought that you were going to talk about flying on broomsticks. It was a flicker of hope after the end of my childhood. Haha. Good night, sandy:) -melody

Tomate und Käse said...

aww.. here I was hoping the non-penchance for clouds nowadays was because of that juvenile love. *hopeless romantic*