Sunday, September 9, 2012

Metaphors and Other Mind-Fs

I shall admit I have been doing my best to have this blog contain things that might interest people other than myself. Not because I have the hidden desire of becoming an Internet celebrity - to be honest, my only dream in life right now is to become undeniably beautiful - but because I don't think it's fair to keep writing about self-absorbed things like my hair or my opinion on KevJumba only to have them published in the public domain.

I should utilize the power of mass media for the common good, my conscience whispers into my ear. But there is something I find remarkably comforting about writing circular thoughts in a circular manner, the way I used to fill this blog with utter quarter-life crisis nonsense before I began peppering it with Fake-stagramed photos.

It gets tiring, you know, trying to be someone you're not. But it's something I think everyone has to go through to become the people they have always envisioned themselves to be.

^ I have been experiencing grammar fail far too often today and yesterday. It is a sign that I have been neglecting my reading. Curse my finally developing "a life". There is barely time for anything that I used to love and enjoy with all my heart. The clock is always ticking.

I could always, I suppose, give up a bit of the time I devote to the pseudo-worship of Arashi. But that is non-negotiable.

And there they are - the circular thoughts in my circular manner. How I miss you, Old Self.